BlitzWolf BW-HL1T Bluetooth V5.0 okosóra (fekete)

16 900 Ft

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Termometr Smartwatch BlitzWolf

With the new BlitzWolf lubricant you can control your body temperature and protect your health at all times. When the temperature drops or the pressure in your environment changes, you will immediately notice this on your watch. You have the opportunity to look at your heart rate and metronome. Take care of your body by monitoring your weight and pedometer. There are also functions of an intelligent assistant who will inform us about the weather, where the watch bracelet is, remind us of important meetings or even monitor sleep.

Intelligent thermometer

Have you planned a trip or a walk, but you are not feeling well and are afraid that your condition will get worse? Just take a watch with you that will tell you if something goes wrong. The thermometer has information when our body temperature is elevated, lowered or normal. The programmed chip and high precision of the thermal sensor will accurately recognize your body and skin temperature in a minute.

Check your heart rate

Heart rate detection continuously for 24 hours. The photoelectric heart rate detection sensor works non-stop, counting heartbeats per minute. It is an ideal way to prevent overload, e.g. during exhausting exercises. If your heart rate is weak or too high, Smartwatch will send you an alert which will inform you in good time. This is because there is a special system inside the watch which is protected by a fixed filter.

Plenty of possibilities

Burn calories and control your weight with the many possibilities offered by Smartwach BlitzWolf. You will also find there a pedometer, pedometer and stopwatch. A variety of sports modes will allow you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make your dreams of a great figure come true.

Daily assistant

He will be with you all the time, no matter if you forget about him, he will not let you forget the most important things during the day. On the display you will see call and message notifications and even check the weather. Try to shake your hand, you will be able to take a picture. Coming back to the issue of forgetting, nothing will happen when you wash your hands in them, because it is waterproof. You can set up memories of important things that get out of your head. Condition alerts tell you when you should take a break and straighten your bones.

Make your life easier

Metronome will help you improve your effectiveness and efficiency during training, which you will soon be proud of. The relaxation function will find time to rest your body and soul, through breathing exercises that are effective in fighting stress and calming the nerves, which will translate into better and more efficient functioning in the future.


Weight38 g
Battery capacity240 mAh
Body and skin temperature detectionYES
Breathing exercisesYES
Working time7-9 days
Charging time2 h
SizeShield: 35 x 42 x 10.8 mm
Strap (shorter side): 88 x 20 mm
Strap (longer side): 118 x 20 mm

További információk




A weboldalunkon található termékek többsége már a raktárunkban van készleten, és ilyen esetben a következő munkanapon küldjük. A Packeta futárszolgálattal szoktuk küldeni a csomagokat, és körülbelül 2-3 nap a kiszállítási idő.

Azonban egyes termékek csak a beszállítónál vannak raktározva, ezért kicsit tovább kell várni a kiszállításukra. Minden terméknél írja a kézbesítés várható idejét.

Szállítási díj (ÁFA-val együtt)

Megrendelés összegeSzállítási díj
3500 Ft-ig1900 Ft
3500 Ft és 40 000 Ft között1700 Ft
40 000 Ft felettingyenes


A nagyobb összegű megrendeléseknél a futárszolgálatok feltételei és egyéb biztonsági okok miatt ki van kapcsolva az utánvétes fizetés lehetősége.

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