BlitzWolf BW-HL3 Bluetooth V5.0 okosóra (fekete)

22 900 Ft

Elérhetőség: Elfogyott Cikkszám: BW-HL3 Black Kategóriák: ,
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Blitzwolf BW-HL3 Smartwatch 


A smartwatch that will help you keep track of your daily activities, monitor your sleep, and improve your workout.




A wide range of functions


In addition to monitoring activity, during the day and our sleep, the smartwatch will give us notifications from our phone, measure our pulse, count our steps, and much more.




Clear display


The watch has a 1.3-inch diagonal touch screen with a resolution of 240 × 240 dpi. This makes the information displayed legible and easy to read.




Built-in sports tracking modes


Record accurately the steps taken during the day, calories burned, distance traveled. Additionally, built-in sports modes allow you to track your heart rate, calories burned, workout duration, etc. in real-time.




Real-time heart rate monitoring function


The sensors used in the watch allow you to track your heart rate and oxygen content in blood in real-time.




Intelligent sleep analysis function


Study your dream carefully, you will learn from this analysis what stages you have been through and how long your dream has been going on.




Stay up to date with your notifications


By connecting your smartwatch to your smartphone, notifications will also be displayed on your watch, allowing you to stay up to date no matter whether you can use your phone or not at the moment.

Powerful battery


The smartwatch can work for up to 7 days on a single charge thanks to the 180mAh battery. And the full charge time is only 2 hours.





IP68 waterproof


The smartwatch can be used while swimming, bathing, or walking in the rain due to its water resistance. The watch cannot be used while driving or bathing in hot water.




Useful features


The watch has a lot of additional features, such as weather forecast, an alarm clock, find a phone, and much more.



Multi-lingual menu


The smartwatch has different language versions uploaded, among others: Polish, English, German, French, Italian, and many more.




Changeable wristbands


The watch has different types of bands, depending on whether you want to give it a more elegant or more sporty style.




Product parameters





ModelBW-HL3 Black
Bluetooth versionV5.0
Battery180 mAh
Supported systemsIOS 8.0 + Android 4.4
Charging time2 h
Operation time5-7 days
Standby time14 days
Waterproof levelIP68
Weight62 g
Dimensions247 x 46,5 x 13,7 mm

További információk




A weboldalunkon található termékek többsége már a raktárunkban van készleten, és ilyen esetben a következő munkanapon küldjük. A Packeta futárszolgálattal szoktuk küldeni a csomagokat, és körülbelül 2-3 nap a kiszállítási idő.

Azonban egyes termékek csak a beszállítónál vannak raktározva, ezért kicsit tovább kell várni a kiszállításukra. Minden terméknél írja a kézbesítés várható idejét.

Szállítási díj (ÁFA-val együtt)

Megrendelés összegeSzállítási díj
3500 Ft-ig1900 Ft
3500 Ft és 40 000 Ft között1700 Ft
40 000 Ft felettingyenes


A nagyobb összegű megrendeléseknél a futárszolgálatok feltételei és egyéb biztonsági okok miatt ki van kapcsolva az utánvétes fizetés lehetősége.

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